Book Babble

I absolutely adore reading books of many genres, and enjoy getting lost in the tales of of great writers. I will read and review any book, in so long as it catches my attention, has an interesting plot, and is considered pretty good literature.

The Iron Traitor




So when I first heard of the Iron Fey Series, it was a series that was being hyped up by a lot of book lovers that I knew. I decided to, at the time, not bother with it, but being curious and knowing how much I love new reads, decided to take a look at it. Of course, I ended up buying it and reading the entire series in pretty much close to two weeks. 


Then Julie Kagawa came out with The Call of the Forgotten series which follows Meghan Chase's (from The Iron Fey series) brother Ethan Chase as he wanders into the world of faerie. I got the first book immediately, The Lost Prince, and have since then been dying for more to read. 


I am happy to say that I have just pre-ordered the second instalment in The Call of the Forgotten series, and it's entitled: The Iron Traitor


If you are interested in taking a look at The Irony Fey Series, or have already read the series and are looking for some more to read from her, then definitely pre-order this as I don't think you'll be disappointed.


But alas, make sure you're into reading about faeries, courts, romance, adventure, and  a little bit of Shakespeare characters.

Currently reading

Ally Condie
Progress: 68/367 pages
Pathfinder (Jimmy Coates, #1)
Orson Scott Card